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Voices of Muslim Women in Ireland - New Publication from NWCI launched

Published: Thursday, May 27, 2010

DSCF6313Sixteen Muslim women living in Ireland, North and South, launched a collection of their personal stories in an exciting new publication from the National Women's Council of Ireland. The book was launched by Mary White TD, Minister for Equality, Human Rights and Integration at an event in EU House.

"We are trying to dispel the myth that all Muslim women are downtrodden, lacking in confidence and oppressed" says Doaa Morsey, a contributor to "Making Our Voices Heard, the stories of Muslim women in Ireland". "Oppression of women happens in every community in the world and we do not support that. We need true integration, communication with non-Muslim women and a shared understanding of our differences and our similarities" she added.

Amel Yacef a youth worker from Algeria will tell the launch that "Young people must be taught to respect difference and not to fear it. A book like this is an important step in bridging the gap between the Muslim and non Muslim communities."DSCF6319

"We are delighted to bring these women's voices into the public domain. Ireland has become a diverse and multi-cultural society, but it has been slow to listen DSCF6315to some of its new citizens. " says Susan Mc Kay NWCI director "We know that many Irish people are curious about women from other cultures, and this book will inform them. Some Irish people have adopted racist attitudes and we will support Muslim women in Ireland in challenging this ignorance."



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